Educator Spotlight, Joy Schwartz

The Computer Science Teachers, Teacher! If you are in the education space, you already know that computer science students have a bright and abundant professional future ahead of them. With a 15% projected growth in Computer Science and IT jobs over the next decade – the real challenge has become scaling up Computer Science Education […]

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DroneBlocks Educator Spotlight

Adam and “The Drone RoadShow” When an Engineer spots a problem – they find a way to solve it. That’s one of the many STEM lessons Adam Jerozolim teaches students across the country with his traveling STEM “Roadshow.” It’s also a principle that helped launch the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education in which Adam […]

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Embark on a Mission to Mars! With DroneBlocks’ New Simulator Course

The newest addition to the DroneBlocks Curriculum is something to be excited about! Our new drone simulator map features a highly interactive Mars Surface Environment ripe with learning opportunities for STEM students. For the very first time, this map arrives paired with an in-depth Course packed with amazing STEM-filled lessons. The map and course were […]

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Simulator Update! “Respawn Anywhere”

Nothing excites the team at DroneBlocks like community growth and participation in developing amazing STEM learning tools such as the DroneBlocks Simulator. After its release last year, the Drone Simulator has become a favorite among educators, and a conductor of great exercises and productive feedback. The DroneBlocks Simulator’s current “City Environment” has proven to be […]

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DroneBlocks Launching New Quadruped “Robo-Dog” STEM Program

DroneBlocks first burst onto the scene in 2017 with an invigorating idea to push STEM education to new heights. The DroneBlocks vision was to introduce Drones in the classroom and harness their amazing learning capabilities. After success in thousands of schools across the United States and around the World, DroneBlocks aims to continue its pioneering […]

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DroneBlocks Simulator Adds New Measuring Tool to Improve Drone Coding and Math Fundamentals

DroneBlocks students have taken to the skies with the latest Drone Simulator 2.0 update released this past winter. The new simulator has allowed STEM students across the globe to access the magic of flight from their school or home computers as well as practice and plot their real-life DroneBlocks Missions virtually, before attempting a live […]

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Math Behind the DroneBlocks Curve Command

“How does the “Curve Block” work in DroneBlocks?” Under “Navigation” in the DroneBlocks coding apps and DroneBlocks Simulator lives the “Curve Block”. After some experimenting you may ask yourself “How do the values in the curve block determine the direction and shape of the curve the drone will follow?” Recently, Mark Kaercher a Math teacher […]

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What Kind of Drones Should I Use in the Classroom?

Charting a Safe Course So you’re ready to introduce drones to your classroom and bring your students’ learning to new heights! … but as with many new trending technologies, the web can be flooded with drone content, making it difficult to navigate a place to start.  Are these drones safe to be flying in a […]

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RoboMaster TT vs Tello EDU Drones for Education: What is the difference?

Drones are a powerful tool to help you inspire your students in STEM topics. Drones are used in all sorts of educational projects, STEM activities, and more! Adding to their current offerings of educational drones, DJI has recently released the Robomaster Tello Talent drone (or the Robomaster TT drone).


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Troubleshooting Tello Drones

I laugh as I begin this blog post because beginning with a quote makes me think of how we were taught to write an essay in high school. Beginning an essay or presentation with a quote is great because it prefaces the topic. It can instantly inspire the writer or the reader. In the case […]

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