Program Updates

Find Funding for DroneBlocks STEM Drone & Robotics Programs

February 15, 2024 — 7 minutes

Utilizing federal and private grants for funding DroneBlocks STEM programs requires a strategic approach, from thorough research and careful application preparation to effective implementation and detailed reporting. By leveraging these resources, educators can introduce students to the exciting world of drones and STEM, providing them with invaluable skills and knowledge for the future.

Steps to Utilize These Grants

  • Research and Identify: Start by identifying grants for which your DroneBlocks program is eligible. Pay close attention to the grant’s objectives and requirements.
  • Application Process: Carefully prepare your application, tailoring it to highlight how the DroneBlocks program meets the grant’s objectives. Include details on the program’s impact on students’ STEM education, how it will be implemented, and the expected outcomes.
  • Partnerships: Consider partnering with local businesses, universities, or community organizations. These partnerships can strengthen your application by demonstrating community support and potential for broader impact.
  • Evaluation and Reporting: Be prepared to evaluate the program’s success and report back to the funding entity. Clear metrics of success and stories of impact will not only fulfill grant requirements but could also help secure future funding.

Federal Grants

21st Century Community Learning Centers

This program provides money for before- and after-school programs. Funds may be used for expanding learning activities or any area of enrichment and include technology, such as robotic kits, engineering kits, science kits, STEM Education kits, and telecommunication education.

Charter Schools

The program provides funding for purchasing science kits for kids, equipment, supplies, or any educational materials.

Early Childhood Professional Development

This program seeks to improve early childhood educators’ knowledge and skills in high-poverty areas. Funding can be used to provide science activities for kids.


This discretionary grant program is designed to increase the number of low-income students prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education.

Gifted and Talented Students

The purpose is to serve students (particularly the economically disadvantaged, disabled, or limited English proficient) who have been underrepresented in gifted and talented programs.

Magnet Schools

These are competitive funds to enhance curriculum and attract racially diverse student populations.

Mathematics and Science Partnerships

This program encourages the formation of partnerships to improve performance in math and science. Funds may be used for professional development, summer workshops, science for kids, and distance learning programs.

National Science Foundation

NSF promotes and advances scientific programs in the United States and advances grants for science, math, and engineering research in education.

Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act

Funds may be used for vocational and technology education activities, plus professional development opportunities for teachers and counselors.

Title I

The largest of the elementary- and secondary-education programs, this program requires states to develop standards in reading and math and assessments linked to those standards for students. The program is also structured to assist high-poverty schools in giving their students an equal opportunity to meet state standards.

National Private Grants

3M Foundation

Promotes strong curricular development and creative problem-solving skills.

Abell Foundation

Sets an agenda that allocates grants for schools, hospitals, and human service organizations and reaches out to the disadvantaged in the Baltimore community and the region.

Abington Foundation

Provides gifts for educational programs, particularly for the development of these programs that stress math readiness.

Abney Foundation

This foundation supports the advancement of curriculum development.

Advanced Micro Devices Inc.

AMD’s K-12 initiatives target programs that increase student interest and/or proficiency in literacy, math, science, and computer technology.

Aetna Foundation

Supports strong curricular systems.

Alcoa Foundation

Funds projects that support global education, workplace skills, and safe and healthy children.

Ameren Foundation

They give their funds primarily in Missouri and Illinois. Their site lists specific efforts in which they choose to invest.

American Honda Foundation

The focus of these grants is on math, science, and technology.

Bayer Foundation

Stresses the advancement of science education and a strong, reliable workforce.

Bechtel Foundation

This fund espouses the belief that a nation’s strength is in the fields of science and engineering.

Bostitch Classroom Grant

Bostitch has two small grants available before the new school year starts. The grants are for fostering creative thinking, expression, and individuality, and they come in the form of a $250 Visa® gift card. They ask that applicants submit a lesson plan that exemplifies classroom creativity.

Braitmayer Foundation

The Foundation is interested in proposals utilizing innovative practices in K-12 education throughout the United States. Of particular interest are: 1) Curricular and school reform initiatives 2) Preparation of and professional development opportunities for teachers.

Brinker International Foundation

This is a multifaceted company with a strong emphasis on educating on all levels, preschool through Grade 12.

Broad Foundation

This foundation supports a variety of educational opportunities that urban schools can create.


Promotes the improvement of academic skills and improves the opportunities for the disadvantaged.

Carnegie Foundation

Stimulates scientific literacy and the importance of coherent communication.

Charles A. Frueauff Foundation

Funds social service organizations, education, and disadvantaged youth.

Charles Lafitte Foundation

This foundation subscribes to innovation and creativity. There is a strong investment in experiential elements for students.

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

The goals are to improve low-income students’ welfare and sustain the ecosystem.

Citigroup Foundation

The thrust of this foundation is to educate the next generation with a strong emphasis on the slow learner and students in the disadvantaged category, as well as a strong emphasis on ecology.

Coca-Cola Foundation

Coca-Cola strives to work with local communities to build strong educational opportunities to enhance national productivity. Most robotics and simple machine products, with their strong emphasis on math and science, would more than fill potential educational voids.

CYBER.ORG Technology Grant

CYBER.ORG’s technology grant program supports teachers and qualified extracurricular programs to provide cyber education to K-12 students in the United States. Grants are awarded based on the availability of funds, geographic representation, inclusion of underrepresented groups in cybersecurity (e.g. girls, racial/ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities), and demonstrated need, with preference for applicants who intend to use CYBER.ORG curriculum materials. Partial grant packages may be awarded at the discretion of the reviewers. Applications will be received continuously, and awards will be made during the first two weeks of September, December, March, and June.

Daniels Fund

Supports early childhood readiness, school choice, teacher quality, and development of ethics and integrity. (Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming)

Dekko Foundation

This foundation favors requests from the states of Alabama, Indiana, and Iowa. Dekko, too, favors the early-learning and after-school programs. It is geared for preschool through age 18. The mission of any proposal must be strong and futuristic. Educational lexicon would seem to promote robotics and early-learning products as solutions to that end.

Deluxe Family Foundation

Supports education K-12, particularly science and reading.

Dreyer’s Foundation

Funds programs that show sequential, consistent core training for students.

Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

Sees entrepreneurship and education as the most effective ways to empower people to create their own futures. (Missouri)

Ford Foundation

Their goal is to foster education through technology and curriculum.

Frederick and Nancy DeMatteis Family Charitable Trust

The foundation’s mission is to make life better by serving human needs through the support of institutions involved in education. (New York)

Frey Foundation

Seeks special teaching methods to create productive learning environments.

Gannet Foundation

Funds programs not normally covered by regular budget – only special initiatives.

Gates Foundation

Supports raising graduation rates and graduates who will be strong citizens ready for college or the workplace.

Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation

This foundation is primarily concerned with innovative instruction models and also has a strong attraction for meeting the needs of underserved students. The deadline for grant applications is November 1.

Hall Family Foundation

Supports education and the arts. (Kansas City, Missouri)

Halliburton Foundation

Endorses education K-college, supporting education in all major areas.

Hewlett Foundation

The Education Program makes grants to improve education by expanding the reach of openly available educational resources, improving California education policies, and by supporting “deeper learning” – a combination of the fundamental knowledge and practical basic skills all students will need to succeed.

Humana Foundation

The aim is to develop tools to improve literacy and increase the use of technology.

Idaho National Laboratory

Idaho National Laboratory is committed to increasing the number of students pursuing science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers.

Inasmuch Foundation

Funds education, health, the arts, and the environment. (Oklahoma)


This ongoing grants program can be accessed by schools in Arizona, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Washington.

Joyce Foundation

Aims to provide students in the Great Lakes region with an education, allowing them to live fruitful, productive lives.

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

This group’s emphasis is on strong progress in middle school technology.

Jubitz Family Foundation

To enhance communities by strengthening families, respecting the natural environment, and fostering peace. Early childhood development and youth education with an emphasis on children at risk.

KDK-Harman Foundation

By supporting nonprofits and school districts in seven Central Texas counties, the foundation aims to increase 21st-century skills and give low-income students access to quality careers. The foundation focuses on three initiatives to help achieve this goal: 1) STEM and integrating technology into teaching and learning; 2) improving the quality of and access to out-of-school time programs; and 3) enabling and supporting systems-level change and collaboration to support an excellent education for all Central Texas students.

Lilly Endowment

The endowment views education at all levels as indispensable to personal, civic, and economic success.

Lockheed Martin’s Philanthropic Giving

Lockheed Martin makes grants to non-profits and public elementary and secondary schools for K-12 STEM education.


This grant source has a variety of offerings that could be used for LEGO® initiatives as well as additions to Modules or Suites labs.

Lumina Foundation

This expands knowledge and improves practices that affect students’ access and success in postsecondary education.


Micron strives to fund high-impact programs that drive educational advancements, emphasizing science, math and engineering.

M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust

The Trust’s mission is to enrich the quality of life in the Pacific Northwest by providing grants and enrichment programs to organizations seeking to strengthen the region’s educational, spiritual, and cultural base in creative and sustainable ways.

Motorola Foundation

Motorola supports programs to encourage science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education in the U.S. and worldwide.

Pentair Foundation

The Pentair Foundation funds a range of education programs, from those that target disadvantaged youth to STEM initiatives for K-12.

Tellabs Foundation

Supports local and national education initiatives with a focus on engineering, science, mathematics, and technology.

Toshiba America Foundation

Toshiba America Foundation (TAF) grants fund the projects, ideas, and materials teachers need to innovate in their math and science classrooms.

Toyota TAPESTRY Grant

Administered by the National Science Teachers Association, Toyota TAPESTRY is the largest K-12 science grant program of its kind in the United States.

Washington State STEM Education Foundation

Washington State STEM Education Foundation is a national model for generating passionate support for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math in Public Education: Every Student, Every Day.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

To ensure that all children get the development and education they need as a foundation for independence and success, we seek opportunities to invest in early child development (ages zero to eight), leading to reading proficiency by third grade, high school graduation, and pathways to meaningful employment.

W.M. Keck Foundation

The Science and Engineering Research Program seeks to benefit humanity by supporting projects that are distinctive and novel in their approach.

Give Your School District Wings

Talk with DroneBlocks about enrolling your school in the most innovative STEM education programs.