Educator Spotlight, Mayra Martinez at Alvin ISD

All Aboard the STEM Bus! All aboard the STEM bus at Alvin Independent School District, where DroneBlocks products are becoming a favorite mobile STEM offering to hundreds of students throughout the Houston, TX, area. We connected with Mayra Martinez, Family and Community Engagement STEM BUS Specialist at Alvin ISD, to chat about Drones and Quadrupeds […]

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Innovating Agriculture with Quadruped Robotics

In the rapidly evolving world of agriculture, technology plays a pivotal role in addressing productivity, sustainability, and efficiency challenges. Among the most innovative advancements are quadruped robots, which are transforming the agricultural landscape and proving to be a valuable educational tool in STEM learning. The Unitree Go2 Quadruped stands out as a prime example of […]

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Introducing the Unitree Go2 EDU Quadruped: A New Era of Robotics Education with DroneBlocks

In the realm of educational robotics, the launch of the Unitree Go2 Quadruped marks a transformative moment, blending advanced robotics with comprehensive learning tools. This revolutionary platform, brought to the forefront by DroneBlocks, is not just an addition to the educational toolkit; it’s a leap into the future of STEM education, offering students and educators […]

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NEW COURSE! GO1 Basic Training With DroneBlocks

DroneBlocks is proud to announce a new, entry-level course for our GO1 Quadruped Robot series. Our existing Getting Started With Unitree GO1 course is a great video series to get acquainted with the basic functionality and housekeeping of the GO1 Robot. However, we know the learning curve can be steep when such an advanced machine […]

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Code-Crew, Bringing the Possible to Memphis

Oftentimes the newest technology is the stuff of our imaginations. DroneBlocks’ prides itself on being at the very forefront of STEM Education with our hardware offerings, making those daydreams a reality for students around the world. That’s why when we speak with Educators like Luis Bolaños at organizations like Code-Crew, we know we’re doing it […]

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